From September 21st to 24th, 2016, our company successfully participated in the 11th International Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Exhibition of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam in 2016. Due to its professional and high-quality professional audience, it attracted more and more people including China. Yantai Huazheng Medical Device Technology Co., Ltd., a foreign company, entered the Vietnamese market through such a professional platform and achieved substantial results!
From July 22nd to 24th, 2016, our company successfully participated in the 14th India (Chennai) International Medical Equipment Exhibition in 2016. Through this exhibition, Yantai Huazheng Medical Device Technology Co., Ltd. and a local company in Mumbai have established a cooperative relationship, and at the same time found two regional-level distributors, which laid a solid foundation for the future business development in South Asia.leveldistributors,whichlaidasolidfoundationforthefuturebusinessdevelopmentinSouthAsia.